Residential Landscape Ideas for Your Michigan Home
The housing market in S.E. Michigan may not be as robust as it was in the mid-90's, but that doesn't mean you can't still build equity in your home. Some Michigan residents have decided to sell and relocate, while the remaining balance of homeowners have decided to Stay Put. Either way, considering landscaping improvements can both add equity, marketability and enjoyment to your home. Staying or selling, to get the most out of your home you may consider these landscaping improvement ideas.
Maintenance Free
In today's busy world, it seems even more difficult than ever to find time to even mow the lawn. Work, work, work, run, run, run... it's some more, attend the kids events...who's going to mow the lawn? Not enough time in the day is an understatement anymore, there's not enough time in the week! Homeowners and homebuyers appreciate maintenance free landscaping.
Weed Barrier Mesh
Install a quality weed barrier mesh under the mulch or decorative stone in your landscape beds. Keep the plastic garbage bags for your trash and put the newspaper in the recycle bin - just keep them out of your landscape beds. A quality weed barrier mesh will significantly reduce the amount of time you'll have to spend pulling weeds, and allows proper moisture to penetrate...
Clean Edges and Trim
The appearance of anything maintained is always more pleasing to the eye - just ask your spouse. Consider a quality edging material for your landscape beds and around your trees. It makes trimming easier, and maintains a clean look and a defined separation between lawn and landscape. TIME SAVING TRICK: A 20' piece of landscape edging will create a perfect circle around a tree that almost every riding mowers turning radius can mow around, thus saving time with the trimmer.
Enviro-Mulch or Decorative Stone
Many homeowners are replacing or freshening-up their mulch with a product called Enviro-Mulch. Enviro-Mulch is a kiln dried, natural wood product that is pressure treated with a colored dye, enabling the mulch to hold that nice fresh look for almost 3x longer than natural hardwood mulch or wood chips. Otherwise, consider decorative stone. No doubt, stone has a greater upfront cost, but it will last forever. No re-mulching which means, more leisure time!
Outdoor Lighting
Just like a good photographer, lighting can really make something good look even better. Outdoor lighting should not be overlooked even if you are selling. Well placed lighting and spot lights can really add aesthetics to your home at night. Quality lighting doesn't have to be expensive. The lamps themselves vary in price and of course quality. The big box stores sell several styles, but if you are looking for something different contact your favorite landscaping company.
Decks are still very popular. Wood decks look great however they can require a lot of maintenance to keep them looking nice. Many new composite materials are also available to build a new deck. Composite materials are very popular, and they can definitely save you money and time in the long run. We suggest researching composite materials before you buy, and consider a material that has been on the market a while. Some composites may scratch, fade, and some may warp. Do your homework!
If you can't make up your mind about which type of material to build your deck, consider a patio. Many homeowners are switching to patios because they are less maintenance than a deck. Patios are being constructed out of stamped concrete, exposed aggregate and brick pavers. What's popular? A stamped concrete patio with a lighted, perimeter brick sitting wall and corner brick pillars to set your margarita glass.
Fire Pits
We're not talking about installing a ring of stones you found in the vacant lot next door and burning boxes left from Christmas. If there's no time to head north for the weekend, enjoy a decorative fire pit on the patio every night of the week. Mmmmm, Smores!
Still undecided? Contact Todd's Services, Michigan's Largest Residential Landscaping Company. Voted Favorite Landscaping Company by the public 10 years in a row, and over 30 years in business.