Mulch and Stone Contractor in Ann Arbor Michigan
Our company has been rated as one of the experts in designing and installing the stone and mulch beds for properties around Ann Arbor for decades. Check out some of the awesome projects that we have done in the past so you can get a better idea of what we are truly capable of. We have a very wide variety of mulches and stones that you can choose from, so you can figure out the exact look and feel that you want for your home. We will be able to deliver them to your location, so give us a call today and one of our specialists will be able to walk you through all of the options available so we can get started working with you!
Types of Stone:
- Egg Rock
- Pea Stone
- Fools Marble
- Western Sunrise
- Barn Red
Types of Mulch:
- Enviro-Mulch/Vibrant Red
- Enviro-Mulch/Jet Black
- Enviro-Mulch/Walnut Brown
- Hardwood Mulch
- Cedar Mulch
Read Reviews of Todd’s Services
"We started with an idea...
★★★★★ - Gary
"My flower beds were perfect...
★★★★★ - Jen
"The design of the flower beds is perfect...
★★★★★ - Gale
"Mulching was done with great care...
★★★★★ - Theodore
"I contacted Todd's on a Tuesday afternoon for a rush landscaping job...
★★★★★ - Carolyn
"Your crew did a great job...
★★★★★ - Econoprint